Boekbesprekingen van WIN ROWE
Astrology Synastry
- Davison, Ronald Synastry: Understanding Human Relations through Astrology.
(New York, N.Y. ASI, 1977).
Another quite good update of the traditional system, by an astrological
author of the older English school with other sound books to his credit.
In addition to the usual techniques he proposes something called the
Relationship Horoscope, a development of his own. He also stresses Marriage
Horoscopes, and other "inceptional" charts to give insight into the
relationship itself, apart from the impact on the two people.
- Ebertin, Elsbeth, Astrology and Romance (New York, N.Y. ASI, 1973).
Quite a good casebook utilizing traditional synastric methods. Written
by a leading German pactitioner of the 1920's and 30's; the first astrologer
to publish Adolph Hitler's chart and sucessfully predict his rise to
power. She was the mother of Reinhold Ebertin, the developer of Cosmobiology.
Some purple prose.
- Hand, Robert Planets in Composite (Glouchester MA, 1975).
Presents Hand's development of an idsea which originate with John Townley,
a chart made up of planetary positions drawn from the midpoints of the
planets in the two natives charts. See also Penny Thornton Synastry
for another glimpse of these in action.
- Robson, Vivian E. An Astrology Guide to your Sex Life (New York,
N.Y. 1968).
Despite the desperately unhelpful title, this is in fact the best book
about synastry. All the classical methods are here, displayed with examples,
as well as an excellent collection of Aphorisms drawn from the whole
range of the literature. Some of it is a little quaint, but all of it
is invaluable.
- Thornton, Penny Synastry : A comprehensive Guide to the Astrology
of Relationships (Wellingborough, England 1982).
A more "up-to-date version of the traditional system for making synastric
comparisons between charts. Does include Composite charts as well as
the more conventional methods. See also Robert Hand for Composite charts.
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