Boekbesprekingen van WIN ROWE
Astrology Mundane
- Baigent, Michael; Campion, Nicholas and Harvey, Charles Mundane Astrology
Good review of traditional methods, plus an excellent review of various
schemes of astrological periodization, both western and eastern, out
of which a new "ecumenical" mundane astrology for the whole world may
emerge. Also explores other new methods, mid-points etc. that are growing
in popularity in western astrological circles.
- Carter, Charles E.O. An Introduction to Political Astrology: Mundane
Astrology ( London, Fowler, 1973) 3rd Edition.
Carter was probably England's most distinguished Astrologer of the generation
that worked during the 2nd World War. In doing this he found himself
able to suggest many modifications of traditional methods, which made,
and make sense. A most important book. Carter has also written books
on various "Specialty" subjects which bridges to the generation of Sepharial
and Robson.
- Green, H.S. Mundane or National Astrology reprinted in Mundane Astrology
(North Hollywood, CA, Symbols and Signs 1977).
This is probably the most appropriate basic traditional text in Mundane
Astrology, for supplemental considerations, see Charles E.O.Carter,
Political Astrology.
- Raphael, Raphael's Mundane Astrology reprinted in Mundane Astrology
(North Hollywood, CA, Symbols and Signs, 1977).
- This is similar to, and supplements the H.S. Green. There is nothing
particularly wrong with it, though it is even furthur out of date than
the Green in tone, but between the two choose Green. Supplement either
with Carles E.O.Carter, Political Astrology.
- Reid, Vera W. Towards Aquarius (New Yor, N.Y. Arco, 1969).
A classic statement of the modern theory that the precession of the
equinoxes defines a series of epochs, or "ages". Evidence for this is
drawn from historical and mythical sources. It is in this theory that
the "Age of Aquarius" has its genesis.Should be distinguished from the
various classical and arabic/persian theories of epochs of a similar
sort which have often a rather different astronomical basis.
- Sepharial, The Theory of Geodetic Equivalents reprint (Washington,
D.C. AFA, No Date Given)
Sepharial's attempt to go beyond traditional geographic rulerships and
discover a better theoretical way to develop rulership attributions
for the whole world. See also C.E.O.Carter, Political Astrology.
- van Norstrand, Frederic, Precepts in Mundane Astrology, (New York,
Macoy, 1962).
Applies the standard precepts of mundane astrology to USA charts and
problems. Less complete or illuminating than Green, or Carter, but still
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