Boekbesprekingen van WIN ROWE
Astrology Medical
- Cornell, H.L. Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology 3rd edition (St Paul
MINN, and New York, N.Y. 1972).
This is really a kind of encyclopedia of interpretive materials, with
a heavy emphasis on the notion of singular, or carefully limited "siganture"
aspects and position which can be associated with diseases and other
personality traits in the horoscopes of individuals. The most complete
work of its kind.
- Culpeper, Nicholas Astrological Judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture
of the Sick Edit Earnest Grant, reprint (Washington, D.C.AFA 1959).
There is much less editing in this volume than was sometimes the case
with Grant, pretty straight Culpeper. Culpeper says that he based his
work on Aven Ezra (Ibn Ezra), and Noel Duret. A very valuable source.
The original date of publication was 1655.
- Daath, Heinrich Medical Astrology (London, Fowler, No Date Given)
There are not many medical astrology works in this bibliography. This
is a classic one, full of the kind of cross referencing to Indian astrology
that was a hallmark of the early Theosophical school, Leo and others.
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